Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Sara Bushland: Missing Since April 3rd, 1996

On the crisp afternoon of April 3, 1996, Sara Bushland, a 15-year-old sophomore at Spooner High School, stepped off her school bus and into the rural quiet of her family’s driveway in Spring Lake, Wisconsin. It was a moment that should have been ordinary—just another end to a school day, another trek home—but it would mark the beginning of a chilling mystery that has haunted her family and community for nearly three decades. Sara’s life had been turbulent leading up to that fateful day. She had recently moved from Colorado to Wisconsin, seeking refuge from the strict rules of her father’s house, only to find herself ensnared in new tensions and conflicts. Living with her mother, stepfather, and stepbrothers in their converted garage home on a sprawling 65-acre property, Sara was grappling with the typical angst of adolescence, compounded by a mix of new and older friends, some of whom were much older.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

LeeAnna "Beaner" Warner: Missing Since June 14, 2003

LeeAnna was last seen walking home from a friend's house, which was a block and a half from her own residence. She had gone to play with the friend at 4:30 p.m., but no one was home at her friend's residence. She was last seen walking on southwest Second or Third Street, westbound, between 5:00 and 5:15 p.m.

LeeAnna's mother, Tiffany Kaelin Whittaker, more commonly known as Kaelin Warner, began looking for her at 5:30 p.m., enlisting neighborhood children to help. When the search turned up no sign of LeeAnna's whereabouts, Kaelin called the police between 8:40 and 9:00 p.m.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Morgan Chauntel Nick: Missing Since June 9, 1995

Nick attended a Little League Baseball game with her mother in Alma, Arkansas on June 9, 1995. She joined her friends to catch lightning bugs near the baseball field later in the evening. Nick was last seen at approximately 10:45 p.m. as she stood near her mother's Nissan Stanza in the parking lot. She was emptying sand from her shoes at the time. Nick has never been heard from again. Witnesses told authorities that they observed an unidentified Caucasian male watching Nick play on the field earlier in the night. The man apparently approached a group of children playing with Nick and asked them a question; investigators have not publicly released any additional details about the conversation.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Susan Anne Swedell: Missing Since January 19, 1988

Swedell was employed at the K-Mart retail store in Oak Park Heights, Minnesota in 1988. She phoned her family members from work at 4:00 p.m. on January 19, 1988. Swedell said that she planned to go straight home after her shift ended to watch a movie. She changed into a short skirt before she departed from work, which was considered odd due to the snowy conditions at the time.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Anthony G. Urciuoli Jr: Missing Since January 24, 2001

Urciuoli was employed as a server at the Dutchess Diner in Poughkeepsie, New York in 2001. He was last seen by his parents at his family's residence near the Galleria Mall on January 24, 2001. Urciuoli received a page from an unknown person and told his parents he was going to play pool with a friend at approximately 11:30 p.m. He has never been heard from again. Authorities were unable to trace the page Urciuoli received the night he vanished.